Ripple effect -03

Mrs. Ramya Sethu Ram M.E

Hello Readers,

Welcome back to “Ripple Effect.” In our ongoing exploration of ideas and stories that shape our lives, today we are going to discuss a simple truth: experience is not something to wait for, but something to gain through action.

I have often heard people say, “I’ll do this once I have the perfect experience.” But we are not born knowing how to breathe with our lungs. The moment we come out of our mothers’ wombs, we start learning and living. All our body parts, from head to toe, coordinate in perfect synchronization to make life possible.

Let me share three instances to challenge this mindset and offer a different perspective that could change the way you approach life’s opportunities.One from recent political history, another from over a century ago in the field of medicine and a third from the modern tech industry.

The man who didn’t wait for
experience and created history:

In 2008, Barack Obama was at acritical juncture. He was serving as a U.S. Senator and had accomplished much, but he questioned whether he had enough experience to run for the presidency. Many advised him to wait, to spend more time gaining experience in the Senate before considering such a monumental step.

Obama himself felt the weight of this decision. He thought he should spend more years in the Senate to build experience and then run for president later. A lot was at risk, and without that experience, he thought he couldn’t pull it off.

During this time of uncertainty, Obama had a crucial discussion with Ted Kennedy. Kennedy told him, “The power to inspire is rare. Moments like this are rare. You think you may not be ready, that you will do it at a more convenient time. But you don’t choose the time. The time chooses you. Either you seize what may turn out to be the only chance you have, or you decide you are willing to live with the knowledge that the chance has passed you by.”

This advice resonated deeply with Obama. Additionally, his friend and advisor, Valerie Jarrett, offered him another piece of wisdom: “Don’t wait for the right experience. Jump in and learn as you go.”

Taking these words to heart, Obama decided to run for president. He understood that growth and experience often come from stepping into the unknown and tackling challenges head-on. If he had waited until he felt he had the right experience, he might never have become the first Black president in American history. His successful campaign and presidency are a proof to the power of taking bold steps and learning through action…… Contd in Aalumai Sirpi magazine