Born to taste Success – 3


People with fragile mind will always be wavering and confused. Such people always want to be extra safe. Even the slightest risk, they don’t want to take.

I am giving below a wonderful proverb,

“A Ship in a harbour is very safe,
But that is not what ships are built for”.

A ship must sail in the sea and face fine weather, rough weather, cold weather, hot weather and stormy weather. It should cruise and move from port to port facing all the adversities.

In life, we should be like a sailing ship, taking risks and overcoming difficulties and not like a ship which is always kept in a harbour.

Many students, particularly while getting moulded in Higher Secondary classes develop the attitude of being excessively safe without taking risks. In many cases, to a great degree, parents are also responsible for this.

 When I say you have to take a risk I do not mean like jumping down from the terrace of a building or crossing a road when vehicles are moving at high speed etc. These are blind risks and are to be avoided. By risks I mean decisions for taking up a new course, taking up a job, going to a far off place for a job, joining Defence services etc. Make it a venture by taking calculated risks. Get maximum information. Match with your abilities and capabilities and if you gain confidence, take risks. It can rightly
be said as

“More risks will put you in the fast track
With least risks development you will lack”.

There is a very good message about taking risks by William Arthur Ward. It is given below:


To laugh is to RISK appearing the fool,
To weep is to RISK appearing sentimental;
To reach out for another is the RISK of involvement,
To EXPOSE FEELINGS is to RISK exposing your true self;
To place your IDEAS and your DREAMS before the crowd is to RISK loss.
To LOVE is to RISK not being loved in return,
TO LIVE is to RISK dying;
To HOPE is to RISK despair,
To TRY at all is to RISK failure.


Because the greatest hazard to life is to risk nothing.

The man who risks nothing


He may avoid suffering; but he simply can not

Chained by his certitudes, he is a SLAVE.
He has forfeited FREEDOM.
Only the person WHO RISKS
Can be called a FREE PERSON

If you are meek, mild and cowardly you will be easily bulldozed by others. You should develop a strong and brave mind. It does not mean you become a rowdy.

It means that you should not just agree to whatever others tell you. If you have different view and feel that what is told is wrong, do not simply accept.

Express your disagreement whenever you feel that you are exploited, and raise your voice. Your behaviour and dealings should be such that others should feel that you are not gullible.

Shakespeare in his famous play “Julius Caesar” touches this point and narrates as follows.

“Cowards die many times
before their deaths,
The Valiant never taste
the death but once.”

Remember these lines in your life. It will transform you to a courageous and successful