Mary Pouline, Author and Founder, Sapience Publications
Hi friends, I am Mary Pouline.
Here I am with the new series “WWW – Win-Win-Way”. It’s not just about WWW. You can bring magic into your life with this win-win way, which will be a new blessing for you. I’m sure the ideas are not only inspiring but also igniting. Let’s get started!
- WWW – Do you want to be a winner?
Experts say, “Life is a game.” Yes, life is a game, and there could be four possible outcomes in this game: (1) I win – You lose; that is, I will be happy, but you will be unhappy. (2) You win – I lose; you will be happy, but I will be unhappy. (3) I lose – You lose, both of us will be unhappy. (4) I win – You win. Both you and I will be happy. I wonder which of these four options you would choose. Just think about it. But I tell you the success secret, “I win – You win” is what we call a win-win way.
A win-win situation guarantees a happy outcome for everyone involved; all participants benefit somehow, all parties involved are satisfied, and all will be happy. Of course, it is the ideal choice for the 21st century. People had a traditional win-lose mindset until the 1980s. But now, this virtual world demands many changes. But you may wonder if it is realistic. Is it possible in real life? Yes. It is. It may not happen in a game of football, but in the game of life, it is possible.
For example, two people went to the fruit seller. They both wanted to buy an orange. The shopkeeper had only one orange. What is the solution? Cut the orange in two. Yes, that’s one solution. But there may be better solutions; we need to explore them. You must think outside the box. One may want the orange because his child loves it. The other may want it, not for the orange itself, but for its peel. His wife wants orange peel to make a cake.
Similarly, any issue in life will have many perspectives, sides, and solutions. It’s a question of exploring. That’s the way to arrive at win-win solutions. Remember this: Those who can create win-win situations will be successful people. They will be cheerful and fortunate people and enjoy every moment of life. If this win-win way of life is your way of life, then ultimately, you are winning. Let’s change our thoughts and change our destiny. I hope this message makes you feel confident.
- WWW – Magic of triple forgiveness
You see, to be a winner in life and to bring out your best at any time, you need, first of all, to clear certain things that block your progress and certain attitudes that stifle your inner resources. One of these blocks is the unforgiving attitude which eats away at our vital energies. So, to be a win-win player in life, let us look at the power of forgiveness.
The moment we hear the word “forgiveness”, we tend to think that the other person is going to get all the advantage from your forgiveness. But the truth is just the opposite. The person who forgives is the gainer, even more than the one who receives forgiveness. Albert Einstein says, “Weak people take revenge, strong people forgive, and intelligent people ignore.” So, I strongly suggest that we learn to forgive and ignore the faults of others forever. Forever? Yes, forgive them in all three tenses—past, present and future.
When you drive a car, you can control the steering alone, not others. Similarly, in life, you can’t control others’ minds. Instead, forgive everyone for their past mistakes, present misunderstandings, and even possible future mistakes. Forgiveness helps you to feel freer and lighter; it gives you a sense of freedom to move on to success. It is indeed a Win-Win approach to life. Your most significant power in Life is the capacity to choose. Choose forgiveness and wait for abundance in everything.I hope this message makes you feel good.
- WWW – Mask What You Hear
Winning is a process, a series of steps, procedures and protocols — that’s all. If you follow them systematically, you’ll be a winner. So, cheer up—nothing to worry. Wherever you are, whatever you do, stop for a while and look deeper into yourself. How do you do that? Mute yourself. As simple as that. Mute your ears for some time.
Do you know there were many accomplished scientists who made the world a better place and had some earing disabilities? For example, Thomas Alva Edison was a great genius but entirely deaf in both ears. Edison strongly believed his silent existence was an advantage, because of which he could become deeply absorbed in his work without any distraction. Not only Edison but there were also many great legends, such as Beethoven, Helen Keller and more. They ignored their physical limitations and became great achievers in their chosen fields. The real winners are those who turn their obstacles into opportunities, misfortunes into milestones and limitations into ladders.
Now you may ask: so, what am I going to gain by muting my ears? By birth, they had the problem, but I am fit enough. I understand your question. In the current scenario, I could mention Mr. Sundar Pitchai, the CEO of Google, once stated that the moment he enters his cabin, he mutes himself from his surroundings to work so effectively. I hope you understand the point now. Our mouths and eyes have their lids naturally. The nose can’t have it; it’s a lifesaving system. Whereas, for ears, we need to lock them up because if there is no wrong input, obviously, there won’t be any wrong output as well. By plugging your ears, you cut yourself off from all rumours, gossip, and speculation, eventually saving your time, energy and resources. So obviously, you are winning. This is ultimately a win-win way.
Every next level of life demands a different you. Quiet yourself to become the best version of yourself. I hope this message is creating positive waves in you.
Dear readers, start practising now. If not now, when? If not you, then who?
Stay blessed. Thank you.