Hi Peeps,

Hope 20/20/20 formula was useful and applicable. To wake up and use the victory hour, we must get enough sleep. Let’s grasp the essentialness of sleep. The value of deep sleep is an element of sustained elite creativity, and peak productivity. The management of the last hour of the day, is seriously crucial to bring tantamount of growth. The genius level performance is a delicate balance between the mastery of your morning routine and the optimization of your nightly ritual.

When we are sleep deprived, we have memory fogs and feel exhausted. It is a common global sleep recession. The internet and social media are fueling much of it. The blue light emitted by the devices reduces the amount of melatonin. Melatonin is the chemical that informs us that we need sleep. There is no doubt that being in front of the screen before the bedtime will cause sleep dysfunction. We must restructure our sleep before waking up 5am and implementing the 20/20/20 formula. When we don’t get enough sleep, it will damage your productivity and affect your health. It is not the quantity if sleep rather the quality is crucial. The HGH, Human Growth Hormone is produced by the pituitary gland of the brain and is essential for healthy tissues in your body, strong metabolism and a long-life span. Increased levels of HGH raise your moods, cognition, energy levels and lean muscle mass. 75% HGH production happens when you sleep! The scientific studies states that seven and half hours of sleep each night. Over-sleep nine or more also has been shown to shorten life.

Let’s deconstruct the pre sleep ritual of icons.

7-8 pm – last Meal of the day, all devices’ notifications turned off, and isolate yourself from over stimulation.

8-9 pm – Time for real conversations with your loved ones, optional meditation, frequent reading/ audiobooks/ podcasts, periodic Epsom salt bath.

9-10 pm – Preparation of sleep in a cool, dark, technology free bedroom, organization of workout gears for morning routine and evening gratitude practice through journal writing. The awakening with the sun isn’t about less sleep, instead it’s the old proverb ‘early to bed, early to rise’.

If we could do our personal revolutions, the tendencies in the world would also change, we are the body, the environment is the shadow. When the body straightens up the shadow responds.

Applying the 20/20/20 formula along with the pre sleep ritual can create amazing days which will lead to amazing weeks and then to amazing months. Small, daily, seemingly insignificant improvements, when done consistently over time, yield staggering results. Daily micro wins is a sure way to lead a life that you’ll be proud of at the end.Life’s finest treasures live in its simplest moments.

The best thinking has been done in solitude. The worst has been done in turmoil. Being busy does not always mean real work. Each of us have limited cognitive bandwidth and every distraction that takes our attention lowers our chance to create masterful work. Since we leave attention residue on every distraction that we allow in workplace and lifespace. This is the reason to have a gadget free bedroom. If we are norcareful, we’ll endup in digital dementia. Once a month go through technology detox, no social media and no cyber surfing for a day. Focus on one project at a time, don’t spread out your creative power and physical energy on many.

Always use Joy as your GPS, surround by people who will fuel your dreams and motivation, Pursuit fuel – only perform those acts that give your bliss, only be in the places that make you more alive. This is your personal GPS.

Your heart is wiser than your intellect, it knows where you must be, follow it, trust it.

Here are few simple questions to find out your own GPS:

What makes you happy?

Who fuels your joy?

Which pursuits that feed your bliss?

Which places make you feel most alive?

We shall use 11 charms which are vital reminders to manifest our fullest potential. You can create a vision board or chart with the following 11 charms.

  1. Small mirror charm – To create Magic on the World, Own the magic within yourself.

o   Your relationship with you predicts your relationship with the world.

o   Primitive longing for silence and solitude – It is in quietude that self-awareness rises.

o   Stillness – learn just to BE

o   You’ll also begin to differentiate your beliefs that are merely cultural constraints and those that are actual truths.

o   You’ll also learn to differentiate between the trustworthy voice of your intuition and the persuasive pronouncements of your fears.

o   Start a lifetime love affair with your most noble self.

  1. Flower – fragrance – Collect miraculous experiences over material things.

o   The pursuit wasn’t about acquiring things, it was about exploring life.

o   Reengage with lost purity you knew in your youth before a broken society trained you to value objects and cash over joys and delights.

o   Become a collector of awesome experiences instead of consumer of material things.

o   Simplify your lives and enjoy the essential things just sitting under your noses.

o   Pls remember that your past is your servant that has made you all you now are – not a companion to spend much time with in your present or a friend to carry into your spotless future.

  1. Symbol of Door – Failure Inflates Fearlessness
  • The mighty goliaths of ambition and the massive behemoth of imagination within you must never be abducted by the tiny cowards of “What would people think?” “What if I get rejected?” and “I’ll probably look silly if I try this.”
  • Stop abusing your greatness, deforming your magnificence and denying your radiance by labeling something that didn’t turn out as you wanted a failure.
  • Start saying Yes more often in your life.
  • Courage is an exquisite weapon to defeat the armies of regret that tear away at lives meekly lived.

(will continue next month)