
Born to taste Success –27

Let us start this chapter with 10 powerful quotes on Smiles.

  1. All people smile in the same language. -Proverb
  2. If you are not using your smile, you are like a man with a million dollars in the bank and no checkbook. -Les Giblin
  3. Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy. – ThichNhat Hanh
  4. Wear a smile and have friends; wear a scowl and have wrinkles. What do we live for if not to make the world less difficult for each other? – George Eliot
  5. People seldom notice old clothes if you wear a big smile. -Lee Mildon
  6. You are not fully dressed until you wear a smile. – Mahatma Gandhi
  7. If you see a friend without a smile, give him one of yours. – William Arthur Ward
  8. Smile, it is the key that fits the lock of everybody’s heart. – Anthony J. D’Angelo
  9. Count your nights by stars, not shadows; count your life with smiles, not tears.- Italian Proverb
  10. Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing. – Mother Teresa

Let us see half a dozen amazing and astonishing benefits from smiles.

  1. Smiling can reduce your Blood Pressure

Since smiling is an excellent tuning up exercise for both lungs and heart it is capable of reducing the blood pressure. You can check this by taking readings of your blood pressure before and during smiling. The latter reading will be certainly low.

  1. Smiling is a contagious tonic

When someone is smiling they change the moods of other people in that place to positivity. You improve the situations of yourself as well as others.

  1. Smile can relieve stress

Stress in your mind is exhibited in your face. Smile can reduce your tiredness. If only you smile your stress would be reduced and you will also feel better. Clinical experiments have proved this.

  1. Smiling can also boost up your immune system

 It has been found from research that when you smile, immune function improves since you are more relaxed.  It can even prevent the usual disorders like flu and cold.

  1. Smile in God’s design is a natural pain killer

Research in the field of medical science has proved that smiling releases endorphins, natural pain killers, and serotonin. These are capable of making us feel good.

  1. Smile can also help in your successful career

If you are a smiling person, even in your job your boss will like you more, give more jobs by which you can learn more and climb the career ladder fast.

You would have found in your life that most of the people appreciate the persons who generate smile. There is a famous saying- Smile, and the whole world smiles with you  – cry, you cry alone.

The power of smile is fantastic. It also becomes contagious. You can trigger a smile by just a pleasant thought or remembering happy moments of the past. If you smile often, you tend to become an optimist since smile reveals your faith in life. Those who smile once in a blue moon are generally pessimists. They cannot smile even on silly adversities of life.

 In your life, learn to smile even when facing life’s adversities. This habit will give you strength to overcome the problems easily. Often, generate happiness through smiles. This will give you magical positive effects to your facial expressions, health and attitude.

Others need your smiles; more than that you need your smiles for your advantage since Smile can give you face-lift and also Life’s race-lift. =