Educational Psychologist


-Mrs.Devi Venugopal

Learn and Help Learn your
fixed mindset through educating
your fixed persona the need to hang on and take the step towards growth mindset even if there is a huge probability of failure. When I meet my clients, many suffer from anxiety due to the fixed mindset and fear of failure.

Through the last two articles,
we have learned to tame the fixed mindset, but don’t think the journey is complete. Every day presents you the opportunity to grow and set your goals and strategy in place.

Everyone of us has a
journey to make

It starts by accepting that we all have both mindsets.

Then we learn what triggers our fixed mindset – Failures? Criticism? Deadlines? Disagreements? Confrontation?

And we come to understand what happens to us when our fixed mindset “persona” is triggered. Who is this persona? What’s its name? What does it make us think, feel, and do?

How does this affect people around us?

Importantly, despite the triggers, we can gradually learn to remain in a growth mindset place as we educate our persona and invite it to join us on our growth mindset journey.

Ideally, we will learn more and more about how we can help others on their journey.

To give a quick brush up on the fixed mindset, it thinks that intelligence is static and leads to a desire to look smart and, therefore, a tendency to avoid challenges and obstacles. It requires more effort, which shows that you are not intelligent and want to avoid criticism, preventing growth due to feedback. It all leads to a feeling of being threatened by other’s success.

On the contrary, in the growth mindset, the belief that intelligence can be developed, thus leading to a desire to learn. Therefore, a tendency to embrace challenges and obstacles, being resilient at the time of setbacks. It views effort as a pathway to a mastery of skills and taking criticism to learn from feedback. It leads to learning lessons from other people’s success stories.

Always look for opportunities for learning and growth for yourself and the—people around you. Draft a plan and ask yourself When, Where, and How will I embark on my plan?

Regardless of how bad you may feel, chat with your fixed- mindset persona and make it your ally in applying the new plan. When you succeed in doing so, don’t forget to ask what I have to do to maintain and continue the growth?

The Road Ahead

Change is hard, but it is worth taking the path of the growth mindset. The experiences of people who changed their attitude will share how their lives have been enhanced. They can tell you about things they have now that they wouldn’t have had and ways they feel now that they wouldn’t have felt. Did changing toward a growth mindset solve all my problems? NO.

But I know that I have a different life because of it, a richer one; I’m a more alive, courageous, and open person because of it. It is up to you to decide whether change is suitable for you but keep the growth mindset in your thoughts. When obstacles and setbacks come in, invariably, they
will be there for you a path into the future.

When I encounter several people’s stories of suffering, one of the root causes is their belief system on how fixed their persona is. The moment you understand that you have the power to change it, the perspective changes, and you start breaking your limitations. The change helps you lead a happy and enhanced life and helps your family and loved ones transform from their fixed persona to an open and growth-oriented path. Let’s try it and give feedback on the journey towards the growth mindset.