Time Management – II 

The master key for your Development

7. Set time limits for every task you undertake. This is also called Time Budgeting. Watch your watch and complete the planned tasks as per schedule.

8. Take time and make efforts to do things the right, first time and you won’t have to waste time doing them again and again. This needs your full concentration. Don’t jump from one thing to another, leaving many things half way.

9. Computer knowledge is becoming essential nowadays even for adolescents. Most of the students while studying Higher Secondary or in the College entry level learn using a computer. This is all right. What is not all right is playing games on the computer. Developing the skill of using internet is very good. But chatting through internet with known and unknown people is not at all good. Avoid long durations in using the computer and internet.

10. Cell phone is a wonderful tool for instant communication wherever you are. But it has equally more disadvantages. Don’t talk through cell phone for long durations (more than one minute is also a long duration). If you violate this principle, there are two disadvantages/dangers. One is your brain power itself slowly and steadily reduces thereby reducing your memory, concentration etc. Number two is, since the signal is electro magnetic radiation (very high frequency microwave) it will affect your health domain also. My suggestion is not to own a cell phone till you go to college. Even when you use a mobile, during your study hours you should switch off the mobile. No harm will take place. There will not be any emergencies at your age.

11. Give importance for good House Keeping. This will help in lot of time saving in searching for things.

12 There is a good saying in English- “Great minds – Discuss ideas; Average minds – Discuss events; Small minds  – Discuss people.

This clearly shows the difference between great people, average people and small people. You should thoroughly analyze yourself how much percentage of time you are with great mind, how much with average mind and how much with small mind. Slowly move from average mind to great mind to become a great person.

13. There is yet another good saying in English – “DISCUSSION – WHAT IS RIGHT, ARGUMENT –    WHO IS RIGHT, GOSSIP  –    NOTHING IS RIGHT”

This clearly shows the difference between Discussion, argument and gossip. You will be amazed to know how much time you are frittering in gossip. Whenever you are gossiping or wasting in unnecessary activities please cultivate the habit of asking the question yourself “Is this the best use of my time and energy?” This exercise will bring a sea change in your development.

  1. Conquer procrastination. Procrastination is not a nation or country but means postponing tasks without any reason. For the development of any individual, this is a cancer like disease. Whatever is the job that needs to be done, do it without delay.
  2. For improving your Time Management, the master key is making self talk. You have to talk to yourself when you are alone. The right time for this is immediately after going to bed and before getting sleep. The question you have to ask yourself is “Today, how much time, in what ways, where and with whom I have wasted my time?” Answer yourself such as “Tomorrow I will change myself”. This exercise is also called introspection. This practice will surely improve your Time Management and will help to lift you to a greater level in life. 