
Born to taste Success –205

The effectiveness of any communication will improve phenomenally if only there is good listening.  If you listen better, you will be liked by others and you will get the title of “Good Conversationalist.”

People who talk excessively get the nick name of “Chatterbox”.  They are not liked by others.  It will be wise if you turn off your transmitter and listen i.e. put your biological receiver on.

If we analyze successful people, invariably they are the ones who have mastered the art of listening.  There are two very important reasons for developing the skill of effective listening.

  1. Through listening you learn many things.
  2. People (teachers in case of students) will respond well if only you listen to them.

There are the following 3 levels of listening.

  1. Peripheral Listening: This is like when you have the radio or T.V on, while working and are not really paying attention; but you know it is on and can tune in when you recognize when the item you wanted to listen or watch starts.
  2. Attentive Listening: This listening can be mostly witnessed in social functions wherein the listener appears to be listening to the speaker enthusiastically, but is in fact colouring the inputs with his own thoughts and feelings and planning his/her next contribution to the conversation.
  3. Projective Listening: This is the most powerful way of listening. In this listening you put yourself in the shoes of the speaker and try to imagine his/her thoughts and feelings as he/she speaks.  This is the kind of listening that will work well during class rooms, interviews, meetings, and almost all transactions if you are to understand the other person’s standpoint.

It is a fallacy to say that Listening is passive and talking is active.  Actually, involved and     effective listening is active.  This needs concentration and genuine involvement.

          The indications of active listening are

          – a simple nod

          – oh – ho

          – I see

          – Is it?

          – wonderful etc

            Other indications are

          – Shifting the posture and leaning forward towards   the speaker

          – smile

          – shaking head

          – strong eye contact

Aids to concentration during Listening.

Make sure that you can hear the speaker and sit from where you can see him/her.

Concentrate and engage in projective listening – ask yourself why is he/she saying  this to me now.

If you are uncomfortable, do something to overcome it.

Discipline yourself to ignore distractions.

Take notes wherever you feel necessary which may impress the speaker very much.

(This will also help you to recollect the conversation even months and years later.)

Please remember that Becoming A good Listener is not by Accident.

4 steps to master listening are

  1. To thoroughly understand the importance of listening
  2. Creating a strong desire to improve your listening skill
  3. Learn the tips for effective listening.
  4. Practise, Practise and Practise.

The right age to develop this art of effective listening is during studies in senior classes in school level itself. 

Students who listen attentively in classes read less at home and score very high marks without working very hard. In the class room, or with friends or in job or in social environment, develop this skill to your advantage.  Progress in your life will be smoother and faster.