Mary Pouline, Author and Founder, Sapience Publications


Hi friends, I am Mary Pouline.

Here I am with series 2 of the “WWW – Win-Win-Way.” This WWW will not only bring you information but also excite you, energise you,enlighten you, and,of course, elevate your mood.The win-win-way is certainly going to be a blessing for you. Reading needs patience; patience gives you perseverance and takes you closer to your dream. So, get set, ready, go!

  1. WWW – Can Happiness Become a Habit?

I’m glad to be back again with the Win-Win-Way series. We have already spoken about some of the essential things needed to be a winner in life. In this article, I want to highlight one more point: happiness. Make happiness a habit, and you will be a winner in life. Something strange, is it? But how do we do it? And what is a habit? When we do a thing repeatedly, day after day, over a period of time, it becomes a habit which ultimately decides 90% of our actions and attitudes and our behaviour pattern as well. Now, let’s welcome a newcomer to the habit list, that is, “happiness”. Cheer up!

Now, you may ask: “How can I be happy when surrounded by so many troubles?” That’s a good question. I can understand your worry. But, tell me, who doesn’t have problems in life? If you have no problems in life, maybe you haven’t started living life fully yet! Happiness does not come from not having problems.

It is not something we can buy from the supermarket or capture by chasing it. Instead, happiness is a by-product of doing simple things.For example, happiness is a by-product of doing a job well, overcoming a problem, learning from one’s mistake, doing good quietly, unseen by others, and helping someone without being asked. In all such situations, happiness is 100% assured. By doing these simple things, we make a habit of happiness. As simple as that!

Now, there are two factors which hinder or blockour happiness:(1)the ‘If only’ factors and (2) past negative memories.Let me briefly explain them one by one.We often link our happiness to many ‘if only’ factors. Sometimes, we say: If only I had a promotion, I would be happy; if only I had a little more money, I would be happy.The list could be endless. But this kind of attitude doesn’t work; it only blocks our happiness. Happiness is not only about the destination; it also happens throughout the journey.

Now, let’s come to the other happiness-hindering factor. I shall explain it with a story. Once, a horse was frightened by a snake next to a tree stump along the path. After that,whenever the horse came to that stump, it would shy out of fear, stop suddenly and move away from it. The farmer dug out the stump, burned it, and levelled the road. It didn’t help. For years, every time the horse passed that spot, he shied. Then, the farmer understood the horse was shying at the memory of the stump, not an actual one. We sometimes act like this horse! Memories from the past, predominantly negative ones, can haunt us; they can hold us down andblock us from making new attempts. What should you do when it happens? Dig out those “stumps” from deep inside your system and burn them. Put a smile on your face, and tell yourself, “I won’t be a prisoner of my past; whatever happened was just a lesson, not a life sentence. Today is a new day. It is my day,” and move on.That would be a win-win approach to life. I wish you happy times always!

  1. WWW: Blow your own trumpet

In this article, I will share three magical statements that could transform your life more than you could ever imagine. What are those magical words? Have I tickled your curiosity? Before I reveal the magical words, let me take you to a fantastic experience. You will love it. Imagine you are at your workplace, school, college, or home. Someone comes up to you and says: “You know, I have been observing you for a while and am amazed at how you do things… Wow, it’s super cool and flawless. You are incomparable! You’re the smartest person I’ve ever come across in life.”

Now, how would you feel about receiving such compliments and appreciation? You’d be on top of the world! Wouldn’t you be? And your energy level would shoot up sky-high. Right? We all wish such things happen to us, at least occasionally. The reality, however, is that such things happen only rarely, if at all. Whether others appreciate us or not, we must appreciate ourselves for leading a healthy, successful life. That can be done through the technique of “Self-Pat”. What does that mean? It means giving yourself a “pat” on your shoulders. Yes, pat yourself every single day by saying to yourself these three magical statements:

  1. You are only as intelligent as you think you are.
  2. You are only as beautiful as you think you are.
  3. You are only as smart as you think you are.

Begin your day with these statements and impress your mind right away. Now, are you wondering why I used the expression “as you think you are” in all three statements? What do I mean by that? Let Henry Ford, the founder of Ford Motor Company, be the resource person to answer that question. He says, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you are always right.” That will happen 100%, inevitably. This is the power of thinking.

Do you get it now? Always remember, your real wealth is in your mind. Never compare yourself to anyone else. Maintain that miraculous faith in your own self. If you wait for someone to bring light and joy into your life, and if you are searching for someone who will change your life, look in the mirror.

It is you yourself and no one else, dear friends. When you believe you are intelligent, you are beautiful, you are smart, you become all that. By practising this approach, you win over your mind, master yourself, and experience energy and passion to do things and excel yourself. You will become an inspiration for others. This is the win-win way, right? Get going, then! Pat yourself to success; pat yourself to happiness.

Your habits decide your destiny. Before you can think, speak, or act, pause a moment and recheck whether this thought, word or act deserves your attention. If not, delete it straight away and pat yourself on the back for being so productive. All is well.

Dear readers, start practising now. If not now, when? If not you, then who?

Stay blessed. Thank you.